Rurouni Kenshin

All though Rurouni Kenshin was first aired on Cartoon Network as its debut, this anime has become popular among youth and adults alike! The romantic, action packed, and comedy themed storyline of Kenshin Himura has caught the attention of many people all over the US, earning it a popular status quo.

Kenshin has earned the title "Batousai the Man Slayer" for all of the lives he's taken during a bloody war. After he vows never to kill again, he becomes a wandering samurai, disappearing into the world. When rumors begin to flutter about the Batousai killing again, a young woman named Kaoru, the leader of her father's dojo, challenges him in the name of her family's honor. It isn't until after she's defeated that she finds out that the Batousai turns out to be no more than a group of bandits. And now she knows that Kenshin is the real deal.

But that is only the beginning of their troubles. All though Kenshin has tamed himself, many people rise forward to challenge his strength. Some old rivals, some wishing fora chance to test their strength.

Romance slowly and meekly blooms in this story of friendship and hardship. Now, Kenshin and his friends realize that their lives will become even more complicated, and their paths ever more winding.

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Anime Last Updated

February 11, 2007
Coming Soon!